A lot of successful brands on social media plan their social media strategy using a content calendar. These secret sauces add to their ever-growing community of followers and customers. You can’t go wrong with a content calendar.

Before creating your content, it is vital to decide the online platforms to place the content. A content calendar helps you ideate your content pieces ahead of time, leading to better outcomes with online awareness.

If you want to know more about managing a content calendar, these 4 steps can help.

1. Set a monthly objective

Have a monthly goal you would like to achieve with your brand. Setting an objective will enable your brand to perform with more focus.

2. Use a spreadsheet

To keep things organized, get a spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet can include the days of the week you want to post, content types, and the purpose of each content.

3. Ask for support                

Be okay with asking your team for support. You do not have to do everything. If you need someone to write a caption or design a graphic, let them know. It helps to speed up the process of content creation.

4. Review all you have done

Ensure you go back to review all you have written. You can tweak some areas to make sure it is suited for your goal.


A content calendar helps you maintain a consistent posting schedule and fosters team collaborations. Also, you never run out of ideas and your brand has better content output.

To track your growth, set clear expectations. A goal that is clear and concise is easy to achieve. Similarly, keep a spreadsheet for your content calendar. This makes things stay organized. Be willing to ask for help from your team. Cross-check to see if there are any errors you need to correct.

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