Writing is an interesting career. You get to follow your passion, share your story, and even solve problems through your writing.

However, sometimes you need extra help when navigating tough moments. We all need that little push to tide us over to the next level! 

Writing podcasts can help us learn more about the publishing industry. From business to technology, or even marketing, you will find golden nuggets while listening to insightful podcasts. 

Today, we share five podcasts you should listen to. 

1. The Writer Files 

The Writer Files podcast educates writers on the habits of successful authors. Created by editor and writer Kelton Reid, the podcast aims to provide useful information for any writer who needs inspiration on their journey. 

2. High-Income Business Writing Podcast

For most writers, raising their fees correctly is a major obstacle. On the High-Income Business Writing Podcast, you learn the nitty-gritty of the business of writing. You get to hear copywriters and industry experts share their top secrets to writing success. 

3. Copy That Pops

Using principles of persuasion in writing, Laura Peterson explains how you can apply psychological guidelines to your writing. She helps writers create better copy and earn more. 

4. I Should Be Writing

Dealing with emotional distress as writers is not uncommon. In the podcast, I Should Be Writing, you learn some ways to overcome roadblocks in your writing career. 

5. The Portfolio Life With Jeff Goins

While we write, it is also great to accomplish other things. Writing can be your major passion, but as a multidimensional being, you also need to give room for your various expressions. The Portfolio life podcast explores building a life that is fulfilling. 


Podcasts are a must-have for writers. They keep you on track throughout your writing journey and equip you with the right knowledge to succeed. So, try them out! 

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