The Instagram social platform is not only useful for catching fun and socializing with people. It is a very potent and good avenue for businesses to publicize their products and services and attract the attention of the public.

As a writer, you are not left out. You can also use the platform to promote your writing career. Below are some tips which can help your writing career blossom on Instagram.

Be strategic with hashtags.

Making use of hashtags helps to make your Instagram posts get noticed by people who are not following you. There are several hashtags available for you to add to your post, but the maximum you can make use of is 30. Anything beyond that, Instagram would delete your caption.

Follow the 80/20 marketing rule.

This rule advises that you should promote your personal work 20% of the time and then posts on other things should occupy the remaining 80% of the time. If you only promote your work repeatedly, your content would make people bored and will just unfollow you. You can share other engaging content that connects with the writing that you do. It would spice up your page and make your followers show interest in your new posts.

Post often.

Avoid staying for days or weeks without making a post. As much as you can, try to post every day. This will help you understudy and know the days and times during the week that your posts engage your followers more. You can now use that to create a posting schedule for yourself which you must also follow diligently and consistently to keep your followers and the Instagram management aware that you are an active user of the platform.

Include questions in your captions.

This gives people a reason to drop a comment on your post and when that happens, the Instagram algorithm will consider your content engaging and thus push it to more feeds.

Never buy followers.

That might be a tempting option, especially if you are impatient. You might consider spending some money to increase your followers quickly. Note that those “purchased followers” will neither like nor comment on any of your content and posts and they will not buy your books either. They will just be “figurehead followers.” Therefore, build your followers steadily from scratch (even if it takes a long time). By doing so, you will be certain that your followers are people who genuinely like and are interested in whatever you are doing.

Instagram offers many opportunities. Apply the tips above and start using it today.