Storytelling is a useful strategy for many businesses. Over the years, successful brands like Coco Chanel and Nike have effectively used storytelling for branding.

People connect with stories. According to the Harvard Business Review, human beings respond better to storytelling compared to other forms of content. Therefore, effective storytelling is important in building a thriving brand.

In this post, we share four storytelling techniques for building a successful business.

Stick to the basics

When creating a story, endeavour to focus on relevant details. Leave out unnecessary information and highlight what truly matters about the company. For instance, share your company mission, vision, and values.

Make it personable

Keep in mind that the essence of storytelling is to connect with your audience. Stats also show that facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered in a story. Personalise your story. For instance, share case studies of customers you have helped. Incorporating this part into your story can make a tremendous impact on your business’s growth.

Use keywords

While drafting your story, include important keywords and phrases. These keywords should typically reflect industry and business type. A good keyword list for a fashion company would be fashion business consultant, fashion business coach, fashion business owner, and others. So, use target words/phrases that reflect your industry and business.

Keep it short

Your story should be straightforward and captivating. Keep it simple and streamlined. Making it longer than necessary could also put a reader off. Stay on track and be sure to proofread and edit after writing.


Telling your story is crucial for business growth. When crafting your story, add only important details and make it personable. This allows your story to come out nicely.

You can always add keywords in the story to give it that extra balance. Then, ensure you keep to a word length to sustain your reader’s attention.

With these steps, you are well on your way to writing a great brand story.