There are days when you have zero motivation to write. Suddenly, a surge of energy rises, but in no time, you find yourself back to square one. At that moment, what you need is a plan.

A plan can help you to develop a consistent writing schedule. All you need to do is to follow through and you will achieve your goal.

Here is a step-by-step process for creating a writing schedule that works.

Make Your Writing Goal Clear and Specific

To increase the likelihood of achieving your writing goal, be specific. Do not just say, “I intend to write today.” Rather, get clear on what you need to do. For instance, you can say,“I want to write 500 words daily.” That way, you make task easier to visualise and act upon.

Your Goal Should Be Measurable

It is not enough to define your goal. You must be ready to measure it. This may require having an accountability partner to help you out. Someone who can check on your progress and suggest areas you can improve on.

Ask Yourself If Your Goal Is Attainable

If you choose a goal that is not workable, you may have set yourself up for failure. Ensure your goal is achievable. Do not go overboard with it.

Let Your Goal Be Realistic

Your goal should challenge you, but it should be realistic. Can you write only 150 words daily? Stick with that. Pace yourself as you go. You will accomplish better results.

It Must Be Time-bound

Set a time frame for your goal. This can be a date and a time you hope to achieve it. A good way to go about this is by saying,“I will write every Monday from 4 pm to 5 pm.”


Writing goals are perfect for you, especially when you have a project in mind. Make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

These steps will help you kick off and complete your writing tasks, even without the initial motivation.