Anthony Anaxagorou, a British-born Cypriot poet experienced low self-esteem during secondary school. He developed a negative image of his writing ability and decided to not be a writer. Later on, he became better at his craft and is now an award-winning poet.

A lot of upcoming writers have fallen into the same self-limiting trap. Lack of confidence causes them to give up ‌on their dreams too early before realizing their full capabilities.

If you are a new writer with such a struggle, this article is for you.

In this post, we will share some of the common limiting beliefs holding writers back, and how to overcome them.

Not being good enough

Most budding writers are terrified of starting because of fear. Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of Eat Pray Love, began her writing career with crippling thoughts of self-doubt. She needed to accept the uncertainty that came with writing. After a while, she fought her fears and blossomed into a best-selling author. Perfection is only an illusion for writing. Prominent writers start as average writers in their careers. As their capacity and skill grow over time, they become better writers.

The too-late syndrome

You are not too late to start. Procrastination steals time. If you keep putting off your dreams and goals, the time may never be right to take the first step. Let go of yourself and ‌write. You can quit writing if you deeply believe it is not your forte. But do not give up before you try.

Fear of rejection

Renowned author Agatha Christie wrote her first manuscript at 22. Many publishing houses rejected her work severally. Yet, she persevered to have a rewarding career writing 72 novels and 15 short-story collections. People will have opinions about your writing. What matters is your willingness to accept your blunt areas, and do better. So, be a writer who persists at all times.

Inadequate self-editing skills

Editors exist for a reason. An editor works on making your writing engaging. You do not have to be great at editing to become a writer. If this has been holding you back, start a writing ritual. Doing this will strengthen your self-belief and your writing skills. 


Limiting beliefs stop you from realizing your potential. Deal with them to avoid setbacks. Your hunger and drive to succeed will propel you to great heights as a writer. Take the first step today and start your journey.

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