Writing a novel can be tricky. You need to understand what structures go into the creation of each part of your novel. Readers naturally expect to learn a lot from every chapter. But when the book fails on its promise, things get a little messy.

With an outline process, creating your novel can be easy. In this short article, you’ll learn about some of the building blocks to make your book project a success. 

Here are six simple steps to help you create an outline for your novel. 

Write a Clear Idea Your Novel Will Cover

Before thinking of writing your novel, consider establishing a central theme it will focus on. Understanding this key point will make your writing process easier. 

Think about your main characters and what objectives and conflicts they’ll be involved in as you outline your novel. 

Create A Setting for Your Novel

Once you decide on a central theme, plan the setting of your novel. This will be the time and place for your story. 

For instance, if you intend to write about how a young farmer in a town falls in love, include details like the town’s name, and the times and dates the farmer meets his new love. 

These parts will give your novel a solid foundation. 

Define the Plot of Your Novel 

Write down the specific events that’ll build the stories in your novel. Introduce the heroes/villains in the story. 

Detail the roles of each character and structure your plot to have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Visualize Your Characters

Create your characters according to the central idea, and setting of your novel. Think of the main character (s) in your story and use supporting characters. 

Include the background stories of each character and highlight points in the character’s life that have led them to their roles in the novel. 

Write Your Scenes 

Scenes would normally include the dialogues of your characters, and where events take place. Writing this will add more colour and context to your story.

Double Check Your Outline to Ensure You’re on Track before Writing

To write better and clearly, your novel’s outline should be well written. Go over it to spot any gaps and errors before writing your novel. 

This last part can set the tone to begin your book writing journey.


Once you follow these steps, creating your novel becomes simpler. 

  • Ensure you have an idea to work with before starting your book. Also create a setting, plot, and characters for your novel. 
  • Develop the scenes of the novel for clarity, and balance. 
  • Don’t forget to proofread your outline before writing.

Now you have a better idea of writing your novel outline, start your book now. 

If you need some help with the writing process, send us a direct message on Instagram