Creating any piece worth reading is difficult. And writing a novel? Not so different. As a new writer, the thought of publishing your first novel might scare you and even demotivate you after realizing the work needed to flesh out your masterpiece.

If this relates to you, don’t throw in the towel yet.

This article highlights some of the steps you can take to revive your inspiration and get over your creative struggles.

Work out an Idea For Your Novel

Every great author like Stephen King, and the award-winning writer, J.K Rowling started out with a big idea. Choose an idea for your novel before beginning writing. It makes your creativity flow easily.

Create a Solid Outline

Don’t think of writing without this step. Drafting out a detailed outline for your novel helps you see the book in a skeletal form.

Include vital information like; your characters, the plot, setting, and fiction of the book. This spikes your inspiration to begin writing.


If you are working on a Sci-Fi story or even a horror story, the chances are high that you’ll need to take some time to research some parts of your piece.

Some things to consider when researching are:

  • Would I need to read some books to develop a better understanding of my novel?
  • Do I need to interview someone to give my novel a rich background?
  • Would I need to travel to gain a new perspective of the plot and setting for my novel?

Think of some of these questions as a guide for your research.

Stop Stressing Over Perfection

At some point, you need to face your creative struggles head-on. If you feel shaky about your writing abilities even after going through the previous steps, still write.

Obsessing over what to write can kill your creativity, so just start wherever you can. Try to approach your writing as a fun activity. Pour out everything you know about the topic and edit later.

 A Word From Chowilson

Your first novel doesn’t need to be perfect, just take the first step. A good novel works well with a great idea. Don’t underestimate this area.

Once you’ve established your idea, create a workable outline to make your writing process simpler.

Research is the backbone of every successful project. Maximize the right resources in gathering data for your novel.

Finally, write. That’s the first step you need to take to make your book dream a reality.

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